返回 【美少女的谎言】S03E16(07)Misery Loves Company


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B: I called the police, and they checked Meredith's apartment. She's gone.
A:      1     Why didn't you tell us about this?
B: When they found Alison's body, it was clear that she had been murdered, and there were no suspects. I saw her the night she died, and I knew how that would look.
A: You mean how it does look.
B: What started this? How did you find out?
A: We found an old diary of Ali's.      2     
B: Why didn't you come and talk to me?
A: I wanted to. But Meredith made me believe that you actually... I was scared.
B: Aria.      3     I understand.
A: Where are you going?
B: I'm gonna do something I should have done a long time ago.     4      And hopefully after whatever investigation they do you will realize that I had nothing to do with Alison's death. What are you doing?
A:      5     


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