返回 【血字的研究】Chapter10:费瑞厄和先知的会谈(2/5)






Yes, a dangerous matter--so dangerous that 1______________________________________________________. The victims of persecution had now turned persecutors on their own account, and persecutors of the most terrible description. Not the Inquisition of Seville, nor the German Vehm-gericht, nor the Secret Societies of Italy, were ever able to put a more 2____ machinery in motion than that which cast a cloud over the State of Utah.

Its invisibility, and the mystery which was attached to it, made this organization doubly terrible. It appeared to be 3___________, and yet was neither seen nor heard. The man who held out against the Church vanished away, and none knew whither he had gone or what had befallen him. His wife and his children awaited him at home, but no father ever returned to tell them how he had fared at the hands of his secret judges. 4_______________________________________________. No wonder that men went about in fear and trembling, and that even in the heart of the wilderness they dared not whisper the doubts which oppressed them.

At first 5___________________________________________________. Soon, however, it took a wider range. The supply of adult women was running short, and 6_________________________________________. Strange rumours began to be 7______--rumours of murdered immigrants and rifled camps in regions where Indians had never been seen. Fresh women appeared in the harems of the Elders--women who 8___________________________________________________________. Belated wanderers upon the mountains spoke of 9_________________________________________. These tales and rumours took substance and shape, and were corroborated and re-corroborated, until they resolved themselves into a definite name. To this day, in the lonely 10____ of the West, the name of the Danite Band, or the Avenging Angels, is a 11____ and an 12____ one.


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