返回 【血字的研究】Chapter11:逃命(1/9)





ON the morning which followed his interview with the Mormon Prophet, John Ferrier went in to Salt Lake City, and having found his acquaintance, who was bound for the Nevada Mountains, he entrusted him with his message to Jefferson Hope. In it 1_____________________________________________________________. Having done thus he felt easier in his mind, and returned home with a lighter heart.

As he approached his farm, 2___________________________________________. Still more surprised was he on entering to find two young men in possession of his sitting-room. One, 3________________________________________________________________. The other, 4________________________________________, was standing in front of the window with his hands in his pocket, 5______________. Both of them nodded to Ferrier as he entered, and the one in the rocking-chair commenced the conversation.

"Maybe you don't know us," he said. "This here is the son of Elder Drebber, and I'm Joseph Stangerson, who travelled with you in the desert when the Lord stretched out His hand and gathered you into the true fold."

"As He will all the nations in His own good time," said the other in a 6___ voice; "He grindeth slowly but exceeding small."

John Ferrier bowed coldly. He had guessed who his visitors were.

"We have come," continued Stangerson, "at the advice of our fathers to 7__________________________________________________. As I have but four wives and Brother Drebber here has seven, it appears to me that my claim is the stronger one."

"Nay, nay, Brother Stangerson," cried the other; "the question is not how many wives we have, but how many we can keep. My father has now given over his mills to me, and I am the richer man."

"But my prospects are better," said the other, warmly. "When the Lord removes my father, 8__________________________________________________. Then I am your elder, and am higher in the Church."

"It will be for the maiden to decide," rejoined young Drebber, 9__________________________________________________. "We will leave it all to her decision."


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