返回 【血字的研究】Chapter12:复仇天使(2/10)





As the sun rose slowly above the eastern horizon, 1________________________________________________________. The magnificent spectacle cheered the hearts of the three fugitives and gave them fresh energy. 2________________________________________________________. Lucy and her father would fain have rested longer, but Jefferson Hope was 3___. "They will be upon our track by this time," he said. "Everything depends upon our speed. Once safe in Carson we may rest for the remainder of our lives."

During the whole of that day they struggled on through the defiles, and by evening they calculated that they were more than thirty miles from their enemies. At night-time 4___________________________________________________________________. Before daybreak, however, they were up and on their way once more. They had seen no signs of any pursuers, and Jefferson Hope began to think that they were fairly out of the reach of the terrible organization whose enmity they had incurred. He little knew how far that iron grasp could reach, or how soon it was to close upon them and crush them.

About the middle of the second day of their flight their scanty store of provisions began to run out. This gave the hunter little uneasiness, however, for there was game to be had among the mountains, and he had frequently before had to depend upon his rifle for the needs of life. 5_________________________________________________, at which his companions might warm themselves, for they were now nearly five thousand feet above the sea level, and the air was bitter and keen. Having 6____ the horses, and bade Lucy adieu, he threw his gun over his shoulder, and set out in search of whatever chance might throw in his way. 7_______________________________________________________, while the three animals stood motionless in the back-ground. Then the intervening rocks hid them from his view.


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