返回 【血字的研究】Chapter12:复仇天使(3/10)





He walked for a couple of miles through one ravine after another without success, though 1__________________________________________________________. At last, after two or three hours' fruitless search, he was thinking of turning back in despair, when casting his eyes upwards he saw a sight which sent a thrill of pleasure through his heart. 1___________________________________________________________. The big-horn--for so it is called--was acting, probably, as a guardian over a flock which were invisible to the hunter; but fortunately it was heading in the opposite direction, and had not perceived him. Lying on his face, 3____________________________________________. The animal sprang into the air, 4____________________________________________.

The creature was too unwieldy to lift, so 5_______________________________________. With this trophy over his shoulder, 6__________________________________________. He had hardly started, however, before he realized the difficulty which faced him. In his eagerness he had wandered far past the ravines which were known to him, and it was no easy matter to pick out the path which he had taken. The valley in which he found himself divided and sub-divided into many gorges, which were so like each other that it was impossible to distinguish one from the other. He followed one for a mile or more until he came to a mountain torrent which he was sure that he had never seen before. Convinced that he had taken the wrong turn, he tried another, but with the same result. Night was coming on rapidly, and it was almost dark before he at last found himself in a defile which was familiar to him. Even then it was no easy matter to keep to the right track, for the moon had not yet risen, and the high cliffs on either side made the obscurity more profound. 7____________________________________________________________, and that he carried with him enough to ensure them food for the remainder of their journey.


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