返回 【四签名】Chapter4:秃头人的故事(5/10)





"We did know, however, that some mystery--some positive danger--overhung our father.  1_______________________ at Pondicherry Lodge.  Williams, who drove you to-night, was one of them. He was once light-weight champion of England. Our father would never tell us what it was he feared, but 2_______________. On one occasion he actually fired his revolver at a wooden-legged man, who proved to be a harmless tradesman canvassing for orders. We had to pay a large sum to hush the matter up. My brother and I used to think this a mere 3___ of my father's, but events have since led us to change our opinion.

"Early in 1882 my father received a letter from India which was a great shock to him.  He nearly fainted at the breakfast-table when he opened it, and from that day he sickened to his death. What was in the letter we could never discover, but I could see as he held it that it was short and written in a 4___ hand. 5___________________, and towards the end of April we were informed that he was beyond all hope, and that he wished to make a last communication to us.

"When we entered his room he was propped up with pillows and breathing heavily. 6___________________. Then, grasping our hands, he made a remarkable statement to us, in a voice which was broken as much by emotion as by pain. I shall try and give it to you in his own very words.

"'I have only one thing,' he said, 'which weighs upon my mind at this supreme moment.  It is my treatment of poor Morstan's orphan. 7____________________, half at least of which should have been hers. And yet I have made no use of it myself,--so blind and foolish a thing is 8___.  The mere feeling of possession has been so dear to me that I could not bear to share it with another. See that 9_______ beside the quinine-bottle. Even that I could not bear to part with, although I had got it out with the design of sending it to her. You, my sons, will give her a fair share of the Agra treasure. But send her nothing--not even the chaplet--until I am gone. After all, men have been as bad as this and have recovered.


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