返回 【四签名】Chapter4:秃头人的故事(7/10)





That was enough to decide me.  1_________________________?  Lal Chowdar and I disposed of the body that night, and within a few days the London papers were full of the mysterious disappearance of Captain Morstan.  You will see from what I say that I can hardly be blamed in the matter.  2__________________________.  I wish you, therefore, to make 3___.  Put your ears down to my mouth. The treasure is hidden in--'  At this instant a horrible change came over his expression; 4__________________, 'Keep him out!  For Christ's sake keep him out!'  We both stared round at the window behind us upon which his gaze was fixed.  A face was looking in at us out of the darkness.  We could see the whitening of the nose where it was pressed against the glass. 5_________________. My brother and I rushed towards the window, but the man was gone.  When we returned to my father 6___________.

"We searched the garden that night, 7__________, save that just under the window a single footmark was visible in the flower-bed.  But for that one trace, we might have thought that 8_____________.  We soon, however, had another and a more striking proof that there were secret agencies at work all round us.  The window of my father's room was found open in the morning, 9_________________, with the words 'The sign of the four' 10___ across it.  What the phrase meant, or who our secret visitor may have been, we never knew.  As far as we can judge, none of my father's property had been actually stolen, though everything had been turned out.  My brother and I naturally 11__________________; but it is still a complete mystery to us."


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