返回 【四签名】Chapter6:福尔摩斯作出判断(2/8)





"Without aid it is so. 1_____________________.  Then, I think, if you were an active man, You might 2___, wooden leg and all.  You would depart, of course, in the same fashion, and 3_______________, and get away in the way that he originally came.  As a minor point it may be noted," he continued, fingering the rope, "that our wooden-legged friend, though a fair climber, was not a professional sailor.  His hands were far from horny.  My lens discloses more than one blood-mark, especially towards the end of the rope, from which I gather that 4_____________."

"This is all very well," said I, "but the thing becomes more unintelligible than ever.  How about this mysterious ally?  How came he into the room?"

"Yes, the ally!" repeated Holmes, pensively.  "There are features of interest about this ally.  He lifts the case from the regions of the commonplace. 5_____________,--though parallel cases suggest themselves from India, and, if my memory serves me, from Senegambia."

"How came he, then?"  I reiterated.  "The door is locked, the window is inaccessible.  Was it through the chimney?"

"The 6___ is much too small," he answered.  "I had already considered that possibility."

"How then?" I persisted.

"You will not apply my precept," he said, shaking his head.  "How often have I said to you that when you have eliminated the impossible whatever remains, HOWEVER IMPROBABLE, must be the truth?  We know that he did not come through the door, the window, or the 7___.  We also know that he could not have been concealed in the room, as there is no concealment possible. Whence, then, did he come?"

"He came through the hole in the roof," I cried.

"Of course he did.  He must have done so. If you will have the kindness to hold the lamp for me, we shall now extend our researches to the room above,--the secret room in which the treasure was found."


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