返回 【四签名】Chapter6:福尔摩斯作出判断(5/8)





"That was the idea which occurred to me the instant I saw the drawn muscles of the face.  On getting into the room I at once looked for the means by which the poison had entered the system. As you saw, 1_______________.  You observe that 2_______________.  Now examine the thorn."

3____________. It was long, sharp, and black, with a glazed look near the point as though some 4___ substance had dried upon it. 5___________.

"Is that an English thorn?" he asked.

"No, it certainly is not."

"With all these data you should be able to draw some just inference. But here are the regulars:  so the auxiliary forces may beat a retreat."

As he spoke, the steps which had been coming nearer sounded loudly on the passage, and 6______________.  He was red-faced, 7__________________. He was closely followed by an inspector in uniform, and by the still 8___ Thaddeus Sholto.

"Here's a business!" he cried, 9______. "Here's a pretty business!  But who are all these?  Why, the house seems to be as full as a rabbit-warren!"

"I think you must recollect me, Mr. Athelney Jones," said Holmes, quietly.

"Why, of course I do!" he 10___.  "It's Mr. Sherlock Holmes, the theorist.  Remember you!  I'll never forget how you lectured us all on causes and inferences and effects in the Bishopgate jewel case.  It's true you set us on the right track; but you'll own now that it was more by good luck than good guidance."

"It was a piece of very simple reasoning."

"Oh, come, now, come!  Never be ashamed to own up.  But what is all this?  Bad business!  Bad business!  Stern facts here,--no room for theories.  How lucky that I happened to be out at Norwood over another case!  I was at the station when the message arrived.  What d'you think the man died of?"


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