返回 【唐顿庄园】SO1E02大表哥做客唐顿家晚餐



剧情:大表哥第一次与大家聊天 奶奶的最后句话很搞笑哦

Do you think you'll enjoy village life? It will be very quiet after life in the city.
Even Manchester.
I'm sure 1 ___________________.
You might like the hospital.
What sort of hospital is it? How many beds?
Well, it--it isn't really a hospital.
Don't let Dr Clarkson hear you. He thinks it's second only to St Thomas's.
It's a cottage hospital, of course, 2 ___________________.
Who pays for it?
Oh, good. Let's talk about money.
My father gave the building and an endowment to run it. In a way, 3 ___________________.
But how splendid.
And Mr Lloyd George's new insurance measures will help.
Please don't speak that man's name, we are about to eat.
I will hold it steady and you can help yourself, sir.
Yes, I know. Thank you.
You'll soon 4 __________________.
If you mean that I'm accustomed to a very different life from this, then that is true.
What will you do with your time?
I've got a job in Ripon. I said I'll start tomorrow.
A job?
In a partnership. You might have heard of it, Havel and Carter. They need someone who
understands industrial law, I'm glad to say. Although, I'm afraid most of it will be wills and
You do know 5  __________________ ?
Oh, don't worry. There are plenty of hours in the day. And, of course, I'll have the weekend.
We'll discuss this later. We mustn't bore the ladies.
What--what is a weekend?


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