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Supernovae occur when a giant star, [---1---] collapses and then [-2-] explodes, releasing in an instant the energy of 100 billion suns, burning for a time brighter than all the stars in its galaxy. “It's like a trillion hydrogen bombs going off at once,” says Evans. If a supernova explosion happened within 500 light-years of us, we would be goners, according to Evans—“it would wreck the show,” as he cheerfully puts it. [---3---] In fact, most are so unimaginably distant that their light reaches us as no more than the [-4-] twinkle. For the month or so that they are visible, all that [-5-] them from the other stars in the sky is that they occupy a point of space that wasn't filled before. It is these anomalous, very occasional pricks in the crowded dome of the night sky that the Reverend Evans finds.

[---6---] The scattered grains can be thought of as a galaxy. Now imagine 1500 more tables like the first one—enough to fill a Wal-Mart parking lot, say, or to make a single line two miles long—each with a random array of salt across it. Now add one grain of salt to any table and let Bob Evans walk among them. [-7-] he will spot it. That grain of salt is the supernova.


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