返回 【欲望都市】S01E04-6 填字游戏和猜谜游戏


为什么在那个大的城市里总是会碰到那个你最不想见到的人呢? 偶猜的话是...剧情需要 =。=

-I decided the only way to break free was to move from one addiction to an even bigger one. Shoes. A couple of blocks and way too much money later, [---1---] I had out-grown the boys of my past and not quite grown into the men of my future.
-Hi, how are you?
-Why is it in a city of ten million men, you always see the one you don't want and never see the one you...
-Hi. What are you doing down there?
-Oh, [---2---] Guess I have the touch. Would you care to join us?
-Your crossword puzzle. Five letters word, to bring together. Hinge. [---3---] Bye.
-Excuse me.
-Hey. Just so you know, I would have gotten hinge on my own. Maybe.
-I have no doubt.
-Now Jack's hooked up, I'm single again. Maybe we could have dinner sometime?
-I don't know. I'm good at crossword puzzles. [--4---]
-Anywhere you want. Just you and me.
-Call me.
-As I walked away, [---5---] Sometimes they bring you down and sometimes, like now, they get you so high.
-It would have been so cool if I hadn't looked back.


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