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-The most powerful woman in New York is not Tina Brown, or Diane Sawyer or even Rosie O'Donnell. lt's the hostess at Balzac, which had overnight become the only restaurant that mattered. [---1---]
-This is humiliating. We've been waiting for 45 minutes.
-I think I'm gonna faint.
-Doesn't she know who we are?
-Who are we?
-I own my own PR firm, you write a newspaper column.[---2---] I'm going back up there.
-Excuse me. Hello. Hello! We've been waiting 45 minutes. Look, I'm not sure you understand, but I'm kind of somebody, and she's definitely kind of somebody and we really need to eat now.
-I'm sorry.
-Excuse me. Give me a 20.
-Do you think I should make it a 50?
-lf I had $50 on me, do you think I'd give it to that girl?
-Let me tell you something, I was that woman ten years ago. But I wielded my power in a benevolent manner.
-Can we please talk about this over lunch somewhere else?
-Somewhere like New Jersey, where we might actually get seated? Do you realize if she were a man, not only would we be eating right now, [---5---]
-Well, listen, I know a great Thai place around the corner where the owner's son always sends over a complimentary mee krob.
-How sad. Do you think we can get it to go?
-A short time later, Samantha headed back to her office, while I decided to investigate this theory I had about shopping as a way to unleash the creative subconscious.


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