返回 【在美国】5 服务细节的疏漏


资料来源:《Drew和Nancy的美国生活英语》 大连理工大学出版社)
(应沪友要求, 从本期起听写已改为一空一词. 谢谢大家的建议和支持. )

〖A lobby survey〗
<听写方式: 填空, 一空一词, 不用带数字序号>
A: Excuse me, sir, do you have a minute?
B: Well, I was just about to go out and tour around but I guess I have a minute.
A: Excellent. I'm a reporter for the local newspaper and we're doing a piece on hotel quality in the area. How has your stay been here so far?
B: Well, it's been alright. I slept pretty well. I just feel like there are some details missing in the service here.
A: Can you elaborate, please?
B: Well, my room had a coffee maker but there was no coffee to make with it. Also, my room had a ____1____ with great drinks and snacks in it, but today I found out how expensive they all were. Five dollars for a bottle of water!
A: Oh, I see.
B: What's worse is, there was no ____2____ ____3____, no ____4____, no ____5____. And, the so-called "continental breakfast" consisted of ____6____ ____7____, sour milk, and warm orange juice.
A: What about the quality of comfort in the hotel room?
B: It wasn't so bad. The bed was very comfortable and had a nice, soft ____8____. But, there was no alarm clock, and the view outside the window was of the highway. Definitely not very ____9____. I think they should put ____10____ of each room so we have a place to enjoy some fresh air. Without them rooms are too stuffy.
A: Those are some great suggestions!

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