返回 【在美国】7 健康体检


资料来源:《Drew和Nancy的美国生活英语》 大连理工大学出版社)

〖A checkup〗
<听写方式: 填空, 一空一词, 不用带数字序号>
A: Hello Mr. Wang. So you are here today for a physical, correct?
B: Yes, sir. I need a clean bill of health in order to get my working visa!
A: Alright, well let's take a look, shall we? First I am going to take your ____1____ signs. ____2____ is good, blood pressure is normal. Temperature a perfect 98.6 degrees. How have you been feeling lately? Any recent health problems?
B: No. I've been feeling fine lately.
A: What about this red mark on your lip? It looks a little irritated and ____3____.
B: Yeah, that kind of popped up while I was on the plane. I thought it was just some acne——another ____4____.
A: Yes, people commonly assume red marks near the lips are acne. In fact what you seem to have is a cold sore. It's nothing serious but I will write you a ____5____ for a topical cream that should help ____6____ it and clear it right up.
B: Thanks! Are we about done here?
A: Unfortunately not. You still have some more tests to do including a blood test, an ____7____, and a ____8____ ____9____. You will also need to fill out a family medical history form...
B: Oh... this is going to take a while, isn't it?
A: We'll try to get you through all the tests as fast as possible. There's quite a long line at the ____10____ today so while we are waiting why don't I take you on a small tour of the hospital?
B: Sounds great!

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