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资料来源:《Drew和Nancy的美国生活英语》 大连理工大学出版社)

〖A favor for the landlady〗
<听写方式: 填空, 一空一词, 不用带数字序号>
Lo and Kevin's landlady was so pleased with their yardwork that she asked them to volunteer at a nearby garden construction project
A: I can't believe we are going to do more yardwork. I thought the point of doing a good job at something was that you didn't have to do it anymore!
B: Come on, Kevin! Where's your sense of charity? This garden is being built for the children in a poor neighborhood so that they have a safe place to play in.
A: Hello gentlemen! I'm Betty and I'm the ____1____ for the children's garden construction project! We really appreciate you volunteering your afternoon to help us with a worthy cause!
B: The pleasure is ours. What would you like us to do? How can we help?
A: Today we are putting in some flower beds and we are installing a ____2____ and a tree dedicated to the garden's main beneficiary. So, first we'd like you boys to grab some shovels and plant the flowers that are sitting in pots over by the wall. Just ____3____ a small hole, place the plants in, and fill the dirt back in around the ____4____. Pat the dirt down and that's it!
B: Before we get started could you tell us a little about the garden's design?
A: Certainly! As it is a children's garden, we want there to be a lot of interesting, attractive wildlife here. The tall trees are here to attract ____5____ and the flowers you will be planting will attract ____6____. We plan to build some bird houses so the children can see different types of birds and hope to also attract lots of insects like ____7____ and ____8____. The garden has two main sections. The first is the flower garden and then, beyond that ____9____ will be a ____10____ set next to the trees. So the children can view wildlife but also run around and play hide and seek among the trees. It's the best of both worlds.
B: Wow, that's a great idea. This really is a very worthy cause. Come on Lo, let's build a place for these neighborhood children to play in!

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