返回 【在美国】26 宠物商店千挑百选


资料来源:《Drew和Nancy的美国生活英语》 大连理工大学出版社)

〖At the pet store〗
<听写方式: 填空, 一空一词, 不用带数字序号>
A: Wow! There are so many choices! There are animals here I've never even thought of as pets. There are chinchillas, ferrets, ____1____, ____2____, chameleons, and all kinds of birds!
B: There are so many products as well! Fish food, dog food, cat food, food dishes, ____3____, ____4____, identification ____5____, treats, toys. There is a whole industry around pets!
A: Let's go check out the fish!
B: Wow! Those fish ____6____ in the dark! Some fish are so tiny and others are bigger than my hand!
A: These fish look beautiful, but I don't think I want to have to clean out the ____7____ every few weeks. Also, you have to buy little rocks and fake plants to put in the tank, not to mention a ____8____ and the tank itself. It can be a big ____9____.
B: There are some rabbits over there that look really cute. Guinea pigs aren't so bad either. They can come out of their cages and play or just stay inside and rest. Basically you have to feed them and refill their water ____10____, and clean out the cage once in a while. It's not too difficult.
A: Seeing these animals makes me want something with more of a personality. Rabbits and gerbils are cute and furry, but they can't learn tricks or anything fun like that.
B: So that pretty much means you want a dog.
A: Yeah, I think I do. I want something that is happy to see me when I come home from work. Plus, I think I'd enjoy walking it and getting out for some exercise.
B: Well, we can look at the few dogs they have here but animals shelters are the best places to find cheaper dogs that need good homes.
A:  Let's go visit the animal shelter!

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