返回 【在美国】27 辗转周折终得女, 莫利


资料来源:《Drew和Nancy的美国生活英语》 大连理工大学出版社)

〖At the animal shelter〗
<听写方式: 填空, 一空一词, 不用带数字序号>
A: Welcome to the city animal shelter! We have a wide selection of ____1____ animals that are looking for a home.
B: We'd like to take a look at some dogs today!
A: Right this way! Were you looking for a ____2____, large-sized, medium, small, or toy-sized breed?
C: Well, we live in an apartment that isn't very large, so a smaller breed would be better I think.
A: What kind of personality are you looking for in your dog? Some breeds favor more attention, some are more active and like to play and run a lot, and some are more suited to a quieter, more relaxed lifestyle. Of course, we also have some ____3____ available whose personalities can be quite a fun mix.
B: What do you think, Kevin? What kind of third roommate do you want?
C: I think I want something in between. I want a dog that is excited to see me when I come home and who likes to play sometimes and go out for walks, but who can also just sit quietly when I want to work or relax.
A: I might suggest this Chihuahua who just came in last week. He is very ____4____ and is already house trained.
B: Oh, he's so cute! He's so little!
C: I think he's ____5____, but listen to his ____6____——it's so annoying! The neighbors would make us leave the building if they heard him barking all day!
A: There is also this little Boston Terrier, and in the next cage a Pug.
C: Oh, these little guys are cute!
A: Actually, the Pug is a ____7____! She's 12 weeks old.
B: Who's this over here?
A: This little one is a mutt. We think she is part Terrier, part Whippet.
C: Lo, I think I'm in love. ____8____! Can we take her home?
B: Yeah, she's ____9____——let's start the paperwork!
A: Before you sign you need to choose a name for her. Do you have any in mind?
B: It's up to you, Kevin. She's your baby!
C: I want to name her Molly. She just looks like a Molly, doesn't she?
A: Molly it is. Sign here, please!
B: Let's go buy some food for Molly! Plus she'll need a food dish, a water dish, a collar, a leash, and lots of ____10____ toys!
A: Here are Molly's identification tags. She needs to wear them at all times in case she runs away or gets lost. This is how the city can identify her i she is found. Then, we can return her to you instead of having her return to this shelter.
C: Oh we wouldn't want her to find another new owner! Thanks so much! Come on, Molly! Let's go home! Good girl!

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