返回 【豚鼠特工队】part2 毁灭计划



Hey, Juarez. 1_____________________.
Ok, 2________________. Get set. Go
Darwin, the table is set. You are clear to infiltrate Saber's study.
Ok, I’m in.
Clearing exfil route.
Hey, it worked.
Of course it worked. Nothing in this house that I don't know about. Trust me.
In 48 hours, when I press this button, it will activate a wireless system we call "Sabersense", which will awaken the chips already in the logic boards of all Saberling appliances, allowing this coffee machine to know how much coffee's been used, communicate with your home computer, and add coffee to your shopping list. Now, in addition, Sabersense will link every old and new Saberling appliance in existence, and create one big family. Nothing will be the same.
Why did they put the Q so far away from the O?
Ok, I’m in.
Roger. I’m tracking it.
So what about it, Juarez? You and me, I mean, you know...
Sorry, Blaster. You know I’ve 4____________________ someone else.
No, in fact, I didn't know. Who?
Why Darwin?
Because he's so...so 5__________________ me.
6______________, Juarez.
Oh, 7__________!
Keep the comm line clear.
Ok, Speckles, I think I found it.
Thank you, and good night.
Saber 8____________________. Mooch, 9______________________.
Christa, I’m going upstairs for a drink.
Darwin, saber's heading up. EPA. About 50 seconds.
Copy that. I’m into the Clusterstorm.
Speckles, are you seeing this?
I see it.
This isn't about selling weapons. It’s about 10_____________________. I’m downloading now. Oh, what just happened?
Encryption. Hands off the keys. I’m setting up a worm to decipher.
Mooch. You have to stop Saber. Execute delay strategy B.




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