返回 【电影听写】恋爱假期(2/7)




-Amenda. Look, may I just say again that I did not sleep with her.
-Right, because your receptionist needs to work till 3 in the morning.
-__1__. She wanted to hang out.
-Okay, then swaer on my life that you didn't sleep with her.
-Come on.
-Go ahead.
-Look, I don;t wanna... I'm not gonna...
-Your receptionist, Ethan? You know, this is why I knew that we were smart never to get married. This is why I told you __2__. You know, somewhere inside, I knew this about you.
-Okay. First of all, __3__, all right? Because I did not sleep with her, all right? And secondly, we've had problems for over a year and I know you don't wanna deal with that, but we have.
-Oh, I am well aware we've had problems for the last year. If I work a little bit too much, I never stop hearing about it. But if you work too much, maestro, __4__.
-"If" you work too much?  Amenda, you cut 75 trailers this year. You put a cutting room in the house and you sleep with your BlackBerry. And I'm not even gonna have a conversation about sex because I can't remember the last time we did it.
-Come on. Nobody has time for sex.
-That's not entirely true.
-That's it! You absolutely slept with her! Seriously, you have to get out. Oh god. You know what I really think, Ethan? __5__. How's that?
-Oh, please.
-I think you loved the idea of you and me, but not so much me. Not me, not really.
-Look, I did the best I could. Is anybody good enough for that job?
-I will send you your things.


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