返回 【电影听写】恋爱假期(6/7)



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-So you're a book-editor.

-Yes, I am.

-What kind of an editor are you?


-No, what I mean was do you give massive notes or…

-Well, the better the writer, the less notes I care.

-And what'd you studying school?


-And did you always know this was what you wanted to do?

-Okay, my palms are starting to sweat. I feel like I'm on a job interview. Do you, __2__, know how to be on a date?

-Sorry. I'm… I’m interrogating you.

- Yes.

-I haven't been on a first date in a long time.

-Well, since we've already had sex and slept together twice, __3__. Why are you blushing?

-I didn't realize I was. I think you make  the nervous. Okay. I'm gonna try to be myself. It is never easy, but I'm gonna  try.

-What was the question? Oh, I know. Did I  always know I want to be a book editor?


-The answer is yes. My family's in  publishing. My dad's a writer of historical fiction. My mum was… is, to this  day, a very important editor at Random House Okay. __4__. Your turn.


-Umm. Deep breath.


-All right?


-Well, like I said the other night, I own a company that does movie advertising.

-I didn't realize you own the company.

-__5__. But now that I know you were raised  by such a strong working mom, I can say it and maybe you won’t be intimidated.

-No, no. I'm still a little intimidated by it.



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