返回 【电影听写】恋爱假期(7/7)



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-I can't imagine anyone being a bigger hit with my children.

-They are really great Graham.

-Sophie's unfortunately __1__. She's brilliant but, I hate it when she worried about me. And Olivia's…


-…gonna be a real ball-buster. Which, I must admit, I kind of love about her.

-I'm just trying to figure out why you didn't tell me about them.

-Because I just don't usually tell women about them.

-But it… it just a little confusing because you're the one who __2__.

-When you put it that way, it sounds awful. __3__. Except that until I get to know someone really well, it's easier for me to be a normal single guy. Because it's way too complicated to be who I really am. I'm a full-time dad. I'm a working parent. I'm a mother and a father. I'm a guy who reads parenting books and cookbooks before I go to sleep. I spending my weekends buying tutus. I'm learning to sew. I'm Mr. Napkin Head. __4__ and it helps to compartmentalize my life. Just till I figure this out. This past weekend, the children were with their grandparents. And when they're gone, I get to be somebody who doesn't have hot chocolate spilled on his jeans. __5__. And I suppose there’s the possibility I’m afraid of what another person might do to who we are and how we get from one day to the next.


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