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A group of prehistoric people called the Boskops by scientists might have been even smarter than modern humans.

Richard Granger: The Boskops they are one [-----1-----] of a set of skulls, dating from roughly ten thousand or so years ago and all with skull sizes and estimated brain sizes substantially larger than our own.

That's neuroscientist Richard Granger of Dartmouth College is [-----2-----] of a new book on the origins and future of human intelligence. Not all scientists agree the Boskops species even existed. But Granger speculates that – if they did exist and their brains were extra large – the Boskops might have enjoyed an enhanced mental life.

Richard Granger: We typically all have had the sensation of starting thinking of some topic and going down some [-----3-----] in our minds and realizing that we've imagined some world. It's possible that the bigger the brain, the richer the imagined world that you can conjure.


Richard Granger: It's often been suggested in the scientific literature that mammals with too big a head would tend species, overall might tend to die in childbirth at too high a rate and the species might not be [-----5-----].

For today, that's our show, I am Deborah Byrd from E&S, a clear voice for science. We are at E&S. org.



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