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Honey bees in the United States are in decline. What scientists call Colony Collapse Disorder has wiped out about a third of U.S. beehives. EarthSky Lindsay Patterson spoke to [---1---] Susan Cobey of the University of California Davis about building a better bee.

Susan Cobey focuses on breeding bees that can recognize pests and disease and remove them from the hive. She said her long term plan is to [---2---] the honey bee gene pool.

And why is that important?

We're dependent on bees for our food supply. They pollinate most of our crops – their work is worth about fourteen billion dollars a year. A wider gene pool provides tools to [---3---] of the entire US population of honey bees.

Cobey does that by crossing domestic bees with European bees.

Why are bees from Europe?

Bees in Europe have always been [---4---] for resistance to pest and disease. [---5---] She's confident the bee population will eventually recover.

I see. By the way, how do you actually breed a bee?

Cobey told me it involves artificial insemination under a microscope with a very tiny syringe.

Thanks, Lindsay. I'm Deborah Byrd for E&S, a clear voice for science. We're at E&S.



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