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Pamela Martin is a geophysicist at the University of Chicago. She co-authored a 2009 study analyzing the environmental impact of an American diet based on meat versus a diet [----1----] vegetables.

Pamela Martin: So, right now the current mean American diet has 28% meat, but there's nothing to say that if we all cut back to 10% that we would suffer [----2----]. And yet the environment would benefit quite a bit from that.

Martin's study examined how much land meat-based diets versus vegetable-based diets would require to support Americans.

Pamela Martin: You need about four and a half times the amount of land to grow feed that you feed to cattle, versus using that land directly to grow food that we would directly consume.

[----3----] These have environmental impacts.

Pamela Martin: We ought to be considering the health of the planet as well as the health of the people.

Martin believes a switch to a more vegetable-based American diet could have a positive [----4----] the environment.

Pamela Martin: I think the important [----5----] is to look at what's on your plate each night, and to try to make some changes.

I am Joel Block from E&S, a clear voice for science. We are at E&S. org.



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