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Rod Heelis: As the societal technology increases, more and more of that technology becomes dependent on communications that use space-based transmitters and receivers.

That's space scientist Rod Heelis. Heelis told EarthSky that the clarity of satellite radio and GPS signals depends on the current state of the ionosphere – the uppermost part of Earth's [-----1-----].

Rod Heelis: So if the ionosphere is smooth, then the signals will pass through the ionosphere relatively unimpeded and there'll be a clear signal on the ground. If the ionosphere is [-----2-----], then those signals can be distorted or completely removed from passing through the ionosphere so you don't get any communication or navigation at all.

Heelis used special instruments aboard a space weather satellite to measure the size, density and movement of ionospheric particles. Heelis hopes to predict these [-----3-----] spots – called 'space storms' – in the ionosphere.

Rod Heelis: One way to think about these storms in space is to think about them as [-----4-----] or hurricanes, and that is, there's not much you can do about them. [-----5-----]



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