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Scientists have noticed that ants tend to specialize in jobs within their colonies. Biologist Anna Dornhaus at University of Arizona wanted to know if this makes ants more [---1---], or less. EarthSky's Linzy Paterson spoke to Dornhaus.

In her lab, Anna Dornhaus studied rock ants. She put them through [---2---] experiments to figure out how they do work.

And what happened in the experiments?

In one Dornhaus forced the entire colony to move to a new [---3---] nest. There were certain ants that specialized in carrying the larvae – that's the only job they did. But there were others that would carry the larvae, and also did other jobs, at other times. When she compared the two, Dornhaus found that the ants that specialized were not doing their job any faster or better than the other ants.

Basically, ants that specialize aren't any more efficient than ants that do every job.

Right, and when the specialized ants don't have a job to [---4---], they don't do anything. Over 70% of the nest is not active at any one time.

What's happening? Are the ants just lazy?

Not exactly. [---5---]

Thanks Linzy. I am Deborah Byrd from E&S, a clear voice for science. We are at E&S. org.



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