返回 【老爸老妈浪漫史】s01e04-2



      Ted和Natalie分手的原因? Ted当时究竟是做了什么呢?.. 一起来看看吧~

<听写方式: 填写对话缺失的部分,  不用带数字序号>
Ted: I don't know.
Barney: Did you sleep with her sister?
Ted: No.
Barney: Did you sleep with her mom?
Ted: No.
Barney: ____1____
Lily: Well, you must have done something. ____2____
Marshall: He wasn't ready for a commitment.
Ted: And her birthday might have been coming up. Okay, so I didn't want to get a boyfriend-level gift for a girl I was just about to break up with.
Lily: ____3____
Ted: No! I didn't dump her right before her birthday.
Ted: Natalie! Hey, happy birthday! Listen...
Lily: Never break up with a girl on her birthday!
Ted: Lily, please! The shirt! I know! It was a mistake.
Lily: Well, did she cry her eyes out?
Ted: I don't know.
Lily: How do you not... You didn't...
Ted: Natalie! Hey, happy birthday! Listen, you're awesome. You really are awesome. I'm just, like, super busy right now, so maybe we should just call it a day. But you're awesome.
Lily: On her answering machine! And on her birthday!
Ted: Lily, come on.
Lily: Who breaks up with somebody on their answering machine on their birthday?
Marshall: Yeah, dude, e-mail.

最后,欢迎推荐给你的好友 :D



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