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      Ted花费心思重新追到了Natalie, 可一转眼, 他又想分手了, 但是怎么提出分手呢? 大伙都来帮忙想办法了...

<听写方式: 填写对话缺失的部分,  不用带数字序号>
Ted: These past three weeks have been great. ____1____ It's ineffable.
Marshall: Ineffable. Good word. So when are you gonna do it?
Barney: She's probably on the subway by now. You could call her voicemail. Beep. Dumped. Click. Done.
Ted: I have to do this face-to-face. I just... I don't know what I'm gonna say.
Marshall: ____2____
Lily: Oh, that's such a cliche.
Marshall: It's not a cliche. It's a classic. It's the Stairway to Heaven of break-up lines.
Lily: Well, I think Natalie deserves better.
Marshall: Better. There's no "better" in breaking up. There's only less awful. A cliche is a cliche for a reason. It's comforting.
Ted: It doesn't matter. I already told her I am ready for a commitment so... Oh, my God, there's no way out. I'm gonna have to marry her.
Marshall: No, no. We're gonna get you out of this. Okay. How about, "It's not you. It's me"?
Barney: Six words. "____3____" You're free to go.
Lily: Ted, have you considered telling her the truth?
Barney: Seriously, honey, men are working here.
Lily: Ted, what is the truth? Why do you wanna break up with her?
Ted: The truth? She's not the one.
Lily: So tell her that.
Marshall: Oh, you can't tell her that. That's horrible.
Lily: Why? What is so horrible about that?
Ted: Yeah, what is so horrible about that? She's not the one. Why is that such a heart-breaking thing to hear? The chances of one person being another person's "the one" are, like, six billion-to-one.
Lily: Yeah, you have better chances of winning the lottery.
Ted: Exactly. You wouldn't take it personally if you lost the lottery.
Marshall: All right, man, tell her the truth. She's gonna cry.
Lily: Yeah, and he's gonna sit there, and he's gonna take it like a man.
Ted: I have to do the mature thing.
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