返回 【Listen To This 中级】Lesson3 Cassette player (1/12)


Clerk: Hello, sir. What can I do for you?
Customer: Hi. Uh ... I have this ... uh ... cassette player. Here that I bought about six months ago. __1__.
Clerk: Oh dear, I'm sorry.
Customer: So I ... um ... wanted you to fix it. I'm sure it will be no problem, right?
Clerk: __2__?
Customer: Yeah, here it is. Uh.
Clerk: I'm sorry, sir. __3__.
Customer: Well, it ... uh ... ran out ten days ago, but I'm sure that you'll ... you'll ... fix the machine for free, __4__ when I bought it. I ...
Clerk: I'm sorry, sir. Your warranty has run out. There's nothing I can do.
Customer: No. No, look. No. I didn't drop it off a building or anything. I mean, __5__? I mean you ... you can—
Clerk: Sir, I'm sorry, we have the six-month rule for a reason. We can't ...
Customer: Well, but you can bend the rule a little bit.
Clerk: ... make an exception for you. Then we'll have to make an exception for everybody. (Well, but look ...) You could say it's only a month, it's only two months.
Customer: I just lost twenty dollars worth of tapes.
Clerk: Sir, I'm sorry, it's too late.
Customer: It actually ate the tapes. I mean, they're destroyed. I mean—
Clerk: Well, sir, you knew (I ...) when your warranty ran out. You should (Well ...) have brought it in before. It was (Well ... look ...) guaranteed for six months. I'm sorry, there's nothing I can do.
Customer: __6__. I mean, surely you're going to make good on this cassette player. It's ... it's ... it's a good cassette player, but it's just defective. I mean, I can't pay for this.
Clerk: Well, sir, I'm sorry, __7__.
Customer: But surely you won't hold me to ten days on this.
Clerk: Sir, the rules are the rules. __8__.


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