返回 【尼基塔】S01E17(02)Nikita和Ari Tasarov谈判



Ari Tasarov: I am thinking about that time you approached me outside that bar in D.C. I was tailing you, and you spotted me, and… And you walked right over to me, fearless. Are you fearless now?

Nikita: I'm not here to fight you. I need money.

Ari Tasarov: Don't we all.

Nikita: You offered me unlimited __(1)__ and cash if I join you.

Ari Tasarov: You want to join Gogol?

Nikita: Oh, hell, no.

Ari Tasarov: That's the first thing out of your mouth that I've believed.

Nikita: I have a one – time business proposal for you. Low risk, mutually __(2)__.

Ari Tasarov: I'm listening.

Nikita: You have a relationship with Al – Qaeda. When they __(3)__ heroin through your territories, you look the other way, for a price, of course. You're not exactly partners in crime, though. And I think you want to be. What would happen if one of their trucks were attacked?

Ari Tasarov: You want me to rob Al – Qaeda?

Nikita: No, I'm going to, posing as a third party. I'm gonna jack one of their shipments and deliver it to you. They'll never know you were connected.

Ari Tasarov: And when they call to complain?

Nikita: You tell them that you are aware of the situation and that you're looking into it. And in the meantime, you are offering __(4)__ convoy protection to those who pay for it. Maybe you can even rent them some transport.

Ari Tasarov: Those drugs belong to Kasim Tariq, Al – Qaeda's CFO.

Nikita: I don't care.

Ari Tasarov: You will if he kills you.

Nikita: You win whether I live or die. All I need are the coordinates on the truck routes. I'm expecting the haul to be worth around $60 million.

Ari Tasarov: Hmm. What's your __(5)__?

Nikita: Eight, four up front.

Ari Tasarov: Two up front, three upon completion.


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