返回 【尼基塔】S01E18(02)Nikita, Michael和Owen合作



Michael: The info on the guardian is on a protected file on Percy's computer. I can't get to that right now. However, I checked the operational expenses for London and there's an ongoing charge that's not assigned to an active op or agent. It's a shipping container.

Owen: Protocol for a cleaner in a foreign theater is to establish a storage space. Shipping container's a __(1)__ option.

Michael: Container A – 541. It's currently sitting at the port of London.

Owen: Not as useless as I thought.

Michael: I really don't like that guy.

Nikita: He doesn't mean it. Hey, what do you know about the Regimen?

Michael: The Regimen? Where'd you hear that __(2)__?

Nikita: It's a bunch of meds that Owen's taking.

Michael: Yeah, I know what they are. Is he on them now?

Nikita: Yeah. He's running __(3)__. Do you think you can get more from Division?

Michael: No, it was __(4)__ years ago. Percy must have kept a stash for the guardians. Nikita, listen to me. Walk. Get away from Owen.

Nikita: Michael, what are you talking about?

Michael: If Owen is going through Regimen __(5)__, you have to leave him. Better yet, shoot him.

Nikita: What?

Michael: Listen, when we discontinued the Regimen, we discovered that the cleaners who were taken off the drugs demonstrated wildly erratic behavior.


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