返回 【科学60秒】医生昏昏欲睡 手术患者担责


Over the years ____1____ limit the hours of hospital interns and residents. Because someone putting in a 100-hour workweek might not be at their best when deciding which medication to prescribe or when inserting a Foley catheter. But doctors who have finished their training don’t face any restrictions in their hours. Now The New England Journal of Medicine argues in an editorial that sleep-deprived physicians set to perform elective surgery should have to ____2____ of the patient.
     Sleep deprivation can ____3____ motor skills as much as alcohol intoxication can. The editorial cites a 2009 study in the Journal of the American Medical Association that found an increase in the risk for complications in patients who had elective surgery performed by surgeons who’d had the chance for less six hours of sleep during a previous on-call night.
      The editorial's authors note that such consent represents ____4____. It could damage the patient-doctor relationship. But, they say, "This shift may be necessary until institutions take the responsibility for ensuring that patients rarely face such ____5____."


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