返回 【科学60秒】多听音乐心情好


[Music plays] Did Pavarotti finishing Nessun Dorma ____1____? If so, you can thank the molecule dopamine for those shudders of delight. Because a new study shows that musical thrills ____2____ the same brain chemistry responsible for the joys of food, sex and other more tangible rewards. The work appears in the journal Nature Neuroscience.
Many of the activities that give us pleasure are things that we, as a species, need to survive, like the ____3____ eating and mating. But what about more esoteric enjoyment, from evocative music or other works of art? Do they tickle the brain the same way?
To find out, scientists recruited subjects who reliably ____4____ when they listen to an affecting score. These chills are a more consistent, in-the-moment measure of pleasure than asking subjects to describe what they’re feeling.
The scientists then used brain imaging techniques to find that dopamine peaks along with emotional ____5____. Such induced dopamine release could explain why people ____6____ some music. And why music can manipulate our emotions.


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