返回 【科学60秒】做人不能太干净


Can we be too clean? According to what’s called the hygiene ____1____, yes. Without being challenged as kids, our immune systems don’t flourish. Scientists think it could be part of the rise of allergies and asthma.

Now a new study supports the hygiene ____1____: infants in Uganda had a lower chance of developing the skin allergy condition eczema if their moms had helminth worm infections while pregnant. The research is in the journal Pediatric Allergy and Immunology.

A 2005 study showed that the kids of women treated for worm infections had more eczema. Twenty-five hundred pregnant women took part in this ____2____ research. Some got one worm-killing drug. Others took a different drug. And a third group received a placebo. One drug nearly doubled the kids’ risk of eczema. The other more than doubled the ____3____.

Helminth worm infections can give the mothers symptoms such as mild anemia or stomach pain and ____4____. Although many people have no symptoms at all. The scientists say more research is needed before they would recommend not treating worm infections. But the work lends additional support to the idea that hygiene may be a ____5____ rather than a goal.


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