返回 【吸血鬼日记】第三季第十一集(2) Damon & Stefan






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Stefan: You are wasting your time. It won’t open. Did you bury the body?

Damon: Yeah. Any sign of our hybrid buddies?

Stefan: Nope, just the dead one.

Damon: All right, Klaus has six siblings. Rebekah is now with Klaus. There was one dead kid in the old world, one dead kind in the new world, which leaves Elijah and two others. Three sleeping originals, four coffins, so who was in the lockbox?

Stefan: No idea. But whatever is in here, Bonnie seems to think it will help us kill Klaus. So, the sooner she can get this thing open, the sooner we’ll know she’s right.

Damon: You’d think the spirits of a bunch of dead witches that can make a coffin invisible, that they’d figure out how to open one! Fine, don’t help.

Stefan: You know none of this going to do us any good if Klaus’ hybrid friends find our hiding spot, right?            1             

Damon: Oh, yeah, that’s a great idea, Stefan. Why don’t you just ask him to pack a bag and take a long vacation while you’re at it?            2             

Stefan: No,            3             

Damon:            4             like, I don’t know, me?

Stefan:            5          His family means more to him than anything else.

Damon: You’re sure about that?

Stefan: Oh, I don’t know, Damon. I mean, I guess there’s only one way to find out, right? Call his bluff.

Damon: Whoa. The only way to call someone’s bluff, Stefan, is to be willing to lose everything if you’re wrong.


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