返回 【吸血鬼日记】第三季第十三集(1) Damon&Stefan





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Damon: Get dressed. We're going out.

Stefan: Yeah, sorry, not interested.

Damon: I didn't ask. Elijah and I have scheduled a very old-fashioned sit-down with you and Klaus. I say go with the black. Makes you look all villainy.

Stefan:        1      

Damon: He didn't have to. All we're doing is buying a little time to give our wicked witches a chance to pop the top off the coffin.

Stefan: So that's your, uh, your plan? Stall Klaus.

Damon: Well, if you hadn't gone postal on his hybrids, then maybe I'd have some options.

Stefan: So you unleash an original to help him out.

Damon:         2         Are you kidding me? After what Klaus did to him, he's in vengeance mode. It's perfect.

Stefan: There’s nothing smart about trusting Elijah, Damon. He screwed us over the last time he promised to help us kill Klaus.

Damon: Yeah, the way you've been acting, I'd trust him about as much as I trust you.

Stefan: Hmm. Well...        3      

Damon: Oh, yes.       4        Just remember, if it wasn't for Klaus, you wouldn't have become such a dick and that kiss would never have happened. So get ready and get happy. We're going to negotiate a fake truce, and         5      



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