返回 【吸血鬼日记】第三季第十三集(2) Elena&Damon&Alaric



Forbes警长说法医在杀死尸检官的木桩上找到了Elena的指纹惊讶万分的 AlaricElena打电话给Damon讨论谁最有可能是凶手。本文就从这里开始。。。


不用标序号,连着写就行了哈~~(*^__^*) 嘻嘻...


Damon: So you're the prime suspect, huh?

Elena: She doesn't think that I did it.          1          

Damon: Well, why don't you just ask Ric if his dirty little doctor had access to the weapons?

Alaric:        2          

Damon: I'm just saying, first suspect is usually the right one.         3         

Alaric: Brian Walters was killed days ago, all right? I didn't show Meredith this stuff until last night.

Elena: It wasn't Meredith.

Damon: But Brian Walters was her ex-boyfriend and Ric saw them fighting that night.

Elena: It's not Meredith. Ok? I refuse to believe that your luck with women is that tragic.

Damon: Who else knows about your secret little slayer stash?

Alaric: Who doesn't?         4           Here, the school, my loft, your car.

Damon: It's Klaus. Has to be. He's just screwing with us.

Elena: I wonder if it was Stefan. He was crazy that night. You know, he was trying to get underneath Klaus' skin.         5         

Damon: Ah, makes me nostalgic for the time when Stefan was a bunny-snacking pacifist. Anyway, got to go. More later.

Alaric: Hey, where are you?

Damon: Tea with an old friend.



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