返回 【吸血鬼日记】第三季第二十一集(5)Bonnie&Jeremy&Damon&Stefan&Klaus


Alaric控制了Elena并引诱Klaus来学校打算伺机除掉他,但Stefan他们由于知道了一个始祖的死亡会导致整条血脉的灭绝而无法任由Klaus遇险。Bonnie打算利用魔法“风干” Alaric本期听写126个单词,注意其中有一个是口语单词。


Bonnie: I just got this. It connects me to Caroline and Elena through our phones. They're in Alaric's classroom.         1        

Damon: Digital locator spell. Why the hell do we need you, then? Hand it over.

Jeremy:        2(2句话)        

Damon: By my math, you've already bit it once, possibly twice, wearing that thing, and if for some reason Bonnie can't restore your heart and you do indeed die, then before you know it, we have another psycho alter ego case on our hands, which is bad. So give me the ring.

Jeremy: This is my ring, Elena's my sister.        3        

Damon: Fine. Be stubborn. Try not to kill him.

Klaus:        4        

Bonnie: Drink this. It's my blood.       5         You need to make a physical connection to his bloodstream, a vein, artery, something connected to his heart.

Stefan:       6         

Klaus:       7(2句半)        , and Tyler's life, Caroline's life, and, of course, Abby's life. Should anything go wrong…

Damon:       8        

Klaus:       94句话)        

Stefan: Let's just get this over with, shall we?



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