返回 【十年纪】2004 加菲猫





听力形式:听写填空 不用写序号,不用标标点,注意大小写哦~

G: Hey, come on. See, these are the kinds of seats you get, [----1----]. Good to see you, partner. Let's get outta here.

M1: Your attention please. The New Amsterdam Limited is making an unscheduled stop on Platform 12.

M2: No, sir, please take your seat.

H: No, no, my future is running away from me.

P: What's the trouble here?

M2: Please, stay calm and go back to your seat.

O: Hey! How rude! Buddy!

G: Hey, could you slow down? I've been doing this running thing all day. And I am over it. Hey, we-re...we're safe now. we're free. Oh. If it isn't Unhappy Chappy.

H: Going somewhere?

G: Nice [----2----]. But I don't think I want to play "dress up" with you, pal. Let's get outta here. Let's beat it. Oh, right in the nose again! So, it's gonna get [---3---], is it?

H: Did you really think you could just run away from Happy Chapman?

G:  Oh, is this a cry for help?

H: [----4----] is ever gonna get the better of me. And let's see how you feel with 200 volts coursing through that thick canine skull of yours.

G:  Chapman.

H: Come on.

G: Get your hands off of my friends! Hey, Boomer. What round is it?

B: Good to see you, chubby.

R: we're here to help.

G: Sir Roland?

R: [----5----]!

H: Come on, come on, come on. Okay, okay. Rats! Ah!

G: All right, here's the [----6----]. Cats, scratch like you've never scratched before. Dogs, [----7----]. And, rats see if you can get that pretty necklace around his neck. Canines, felines and "vermines"... it's show time!

H: All right, boys. Dogs pile!

G: Thanks boys. The "home team" will take it from here. Better split before animal control gets here.

A Hey, Garfield, shake it easy. See you later, Garfield. Yeah, good luck.

G: Odie, [----8----], please? Every dog has his day, Happy.

H: Nice Kitty.

G: Let's see what's on the news. Let me tell you something, Happy. To you, Odie [----9----], stupid, smelly dog. But to me, he's [----10----]. He's my friend. Odie, try something else. Maybe there's a game on. Strong finish, little buddy.



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