返回 【广告狂人】S01E01(1) 要是地球上的黄金时代都被象鼻虫吃光了



S: Finished, sir?
D: Yeah. Hey, do you have a light? Old Gold man, huh? Lucky Strike here. Can I ask you a question? Why do you smoke Old Gold?
P: I'm sorry, sir. Is Sam here bothering you? [00:34]     1     
D: [00:37]     2      Is that okay?
P: Can I get you another drink?
D: Yeah. Do this again. Old-fashioned, please. So you obviously need to relax after working here all night.
S: I guess. I don't know.
D: But what is it? I mean, low-tar? Those new filters? Why, I mean, why Old Gold?
S: They gave 'em to us in the service a carton a week for free.
D: So you're used to 'em, is that it?
S: Yeah. They're a habit.
D: I could never get you to try another brand, say, my Luckies?
S: I love my Old Golds.
D: All right, well, let's just say tomorrow a tobacco weevil comes and eats every last Old Gold on the planet.
S: [01:20]     3     
D: It's a tragedy. Would you just stop smoking?
S: [01:27]     4      I love smoking.
D: "I love smoking. " That's very good.
S: My wife hates it. Reader's Digest says it will kill you.
D: Yeah, I heard about that.
S: [01:41]    5     
D: Yes, they do.


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