返回 【实习医生格蕾】女实习医生格蕾第一季第一集(2)


Meredith 和 Derek 激情后的第二天早晨。

Meredith wakes up on the couch and pulls a blanket off a naked man on the floor, wrapping it around herself. She hits him with a pillow and he grunts, waking up. He lifts up her bra.

Man: This...is...?

Meredith: Humiliating on so many levels. You have to go.

Man: _1_?

Meredith: No, seriously. You have to go, I'm late. _2_, so

Man: So, ah, you actually live here.

Meredith: No.

Man: Oh.

Meredith: Yes. Kind of.

Man: Oh. It's nice. Little dusty. Odd. But it's nice. _3_?

Meredith: I moved two weeks ago from Boston, it was my mother's house, I'm selling it.

Man: Oh, I'm sorry.

Meredith: For what?

Man: You said was.

Meredith: Oh! My mother's not dead, she's - you know what, we don't have to do the thing.

Man: Oh. _4_.

Meredith: No, the thing, exchange the details, pretend we care...look, I'm gonna go upstairs and take a shower, okay, and _5_, so, um, goodbye...um...

Man: Derek.

Meredith: Derek. Right. Meredith.

Derek: Meredith.

Meredith: Yeah. Mm-hmm.

Derek: Nice meeting you.

Meredith: Bye Derek.


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