返回 【实习医生格蕾】女实习医生格蕾第一季第一集(6)


007的由来:George 的第一次阑尾手术。

George: Pick-ups.

Nurse: Pick-ups.

George: Clamp.

Nurse: Clamp.

Burke:That's fine.

George: __1__.

Intern 1: Damn, he got the peritoneum and he opened him up.

Meredith: I told you, __2__.

George: Scalpel.

Nurse: Scalpel.

George: Appendix is out.

Burke: Not bad.

George: Thank you.

Burke: Now all you have to do is invert the stump into the cecum and simultaneously pull up on the purse-strings but be careful not to break them. He ripped the cecum. Got a bleeder. You're filling with stool, what do you do now?

George: Uh...uh...

Burke: Think. __3__, and you start digging for those purse-strings before she bleeds to death. Belky, give him a clamp.

Nurse: BP's dropping.

Cristina: He's choking.

Meredith: Come on, George.

Burke: Today. __4__, let's go. What are you waiting for, suction?

Nurse: Getting too low folks... Dr Burke...

Burke: Get out of the way. Pansy-ass idiot. Get him out of here. Suction. Clamp.

Intern (Alex Karev): 007.

Other intern: 007, yep, that's a total 007.

Izzie: What's 007 mean?

Meredith: __5__.


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