返回 【实习医生格蕾】女实习医生格蕾第一季第一集(5)


Meredith 和 Derek 在医院见面。

Meredith is walking down the hall and Derek grabs her arm...

Meredith: Hey -  Dr. Shepherd, -

Derek: Dr. Shepherd? This morning it was Derek. Now it's Dr. Shepherd.

Meredith: Dr. Shepherd, __1__.

Derek: What never happened, you sleeping with me last night? __2__? Because both are fond memories I'd like to hold onto.

Meredith: No. There will be no memories. I'm not the girl in the bar anymore, and you're not the guy. This can't exist. You get that, right?

Derek: You took advantage of me and now you want to forget about it.

Meredith: I did not take -

Derek: I was drunk, vulnerable and good-looking and__3__.

Meredith: Okay, I was the one who was drunk, and you are not that good-looking.

Derek: Well, maybe not today. Last night, last night I was very good-looking. I had my red shirt on, my good-looking shirt, you took advantage.

Meredith: I did not take -

Derek: __4__? Say Friday night?

Meredith: No. You're an attending. And I'm your intern. Stop looking at me like that.

Derek: Like what?

Meredith: Like you've seen me naked. Dr. Shepherd. __5__. Has that ever occurred to you?


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