返回 【别对我撒谎】S01E05-part 4 消防队里的欺凌现象


消防队里看来也并不是好呆的地儿,看看他们,玩闹的话也该有个度呶~~难道c'est la vie? 这就是生活?!

According to Mr. Donovan, your men have been involved in 1__________ hazing. He wouldn't say who was involved, but it 2________________.
Baking soda showers, bottle rockets in the bathroom stalls...
Did you know Eric Mitchell had a severe 3_________?
No, I didn't.
Donovan heard that slipping Mitchell a little PB&J was the 4_________. Well, he's junior. He wasn't one of the hazers, but that's why he didn't pull Eric's body out. He was protecting the men. He thought that they had killed Eric.
Were you aware of what was going on?
Hazing is as much a part of this life as alarm bells.
And if one of your men goes into anaphylactic shock and dies, c'est la vie?
You don't understand, but when you're trapped inside a burning building, you got to know that the other guys are going to 5________________, walk through a wall of fire and come get you.
He's right.
I need men who are willing to 6_______________. And Mitchell just didn't have it in him.
So you looked the other way?
He needed to learn. But 7______________ about it, I demand a certain 8___________ out of my men. There's a line. And they wouldn't have crossed it.
Then you won't mind if we talk to the other men in the company?



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