返回 【别对我撒谎】S01E05-part 5 恶性不改?坏人终究还是坏人?



Let's run the tape.
I've been watching video surveillance from before Trillo's arrest.
That's good. Natural habitat--that's the best baseline. All right...Let's drop the sound and run it side by side with the video we shot at the penitentiary. Anger. Contempt. Contempt. Trillo's emotional palette was substantially different back then. I'm surprised 1___________. Shocking. Anger. Disgust. Though, that expression was practically default back then: the brow lowered, upper eyelid raised, and that glare is the 2_________________. How many of these did Trillo flash in the old video?
I don't know.
Three or four a minute?
Well, he didn't show any in our interview. Not until the burger incident. Seems like a 3_____________ to me.
Well...Well, that is the kind of emotionally detached scientific analysis we value around here. I'll be sure to pass that on to the governor.
Do you have any idea how much worse the Punio-Salva war will be if Trillo gets out and takes over?
Much, much worse. I'm sure there'd be 4________________, too.
What if Trillo's just conning us?
Well, emotional evidence suggests he's not the same man.
Do you know how many kids in the barrio want the kind of power Trillo had before he went away? The guy is pretty good 5_____________.
Sure he is. Read your Darwin.
Survival of the fittest: it's not about being fit; it's about 6___________________.
7______________. They don't change.
Did you see the message from Lieutenant Governor Goldin's office?
Holly Sando, the widow of the officer Trillo killed, has decided to speak to the parole board.
So she's testifying against Trillo's release?
No. She's 8_____________.
Tell Goldin we'll be there.



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