返回 【别对我撒谎】S01E06-part 1 小孩失踪了



-Journalist A: ___________________1_______________, has gotten a new burst of energy.
-Journalist B: Suspicions continue to swirl around Samantha's parents, Brian and Lorraine Burch, amid accusations that they killed their daughter, and claimed she was abducted.
-Journalist C: Just yesterday the Burches raised the reward for information. about their daughter's where about to $100,000. And there are also reports they've hired so-called deception expert Dr. Cal Lightman.
-Lightman: Girl goes missing, supermodel's in rehab, Obama gets a new puppy, and you guys make freedom of the press the first amendment.
-Samantha: Watch this, daddy.
-Foster: You adopted her five years ago?
-Brian: Yeah. We waited so long for a child. She made us a family.
-Lorraine: Do either of you have children?
-Foster: Yeah, I do.
-Brian: How anybody thinks that... we could hurt her, I, I don't understand.
-Foster: _____________3______________? A car ran a red light two days ago. The police gave us that photograph. It's from one of those traffic cameras.
-Brian: Do you see there? That is Samantha's sweater. Uh, Lorraine made that. Someone has her. That's why we raised the reward.
-Lorraine: We re-mortgaged the house.
-Brian: We've been getting hundreds of calls from all over saying they've got information about Sammy, _______________________________4_________________________. So we thought that you could tell which of the tipsters we should believe. I mean, you could do that faster than the police, right?
-Lightman: I need to ask you a question. _____________________5______________? Did you? Did you kill her?
-Lorraine: How can you even ask us that?
-Lightman: Yeah, I know, you brought me here to help you
-Brian: Are you serious?
-Lightman: So answer the question. Did you kill your daughter?
-Lorraine: I'm not gonna answer that.
-Lightman: No, listen. Did you kill Samantha?
-Brian: ______________6______________...
-Lightman: Did you kill your daughter? Did you kill her?
-Lorraine: No.
-Brian: No, no, no. No. No.  
-Lightman: OK,I think we can help you.



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