返回 【妙招大看台】如何做花环




Ancient Greeks wore laurel leaf crowns as symbols of victory. Delight the heart of any girl with a braided flower crown you create yourself using her favorite posies.

Step 1:
Pick a generous [-------1-------] of flowers with bendable stems at least 3 inches in length to make a flower crown.
Daisies and clover are especially easy to make into a flower crown.
Step 2:
Hold three flowers in your hands, spacing the blossoms next to one another [-------2-------] but keeping the stems together. Then braid the stems.
Step 3:
Add a flower to the braid before you reach the end of the stems. Hold it with one of the stems and braid as though the two stems were one. [-------3-------]
Alternate flower varieties to enhance [-------4-------]
Step 4:
Check the length needed to [-------5-------] the girl's head and continue to add flowers until the crown is long enough to fit.
Step 5:
Complete the crown by weaving the end stems into the first flower stems, tucking loose ends into the chain.
Step 6:
Add colorful ribbons by knotting them onto the chain to embellish the crown.


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