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Being a well-organized person can affect every area of your life and make day-to-day living easier and more fun.

Step 1:
Maintain a written weekly schedule of responsibilities for everyday responsibilities.
Encourage everyone in the house to use checklists to join you in getting the family's act organized.
Step 2:
Throw things out. Determine whether something is needed and then take action. If you haven't used something in a year, pitch it -- [-------2-------]
Avoid the temptation to jam things into drawers for appearance's sake.
Step 3:
Assign everything a location. Remember -- [-------3-------]
Step 4:
Use containers, baskets, shelves, and cabinets for commonly-used items so they're easier to find. Keep your containers stacked, racked, boxed, bagged, or hung.
Step 5:
Arrange desktops, cooking areas, dressers, and counters with self-contained units and compartments dedicated to objects and utensils for a clean look and easy access.
Step 6:
Keep your dining room, kitchen, and end tables clear of clutter. Restrict paperwork to personal rooms or an office area, and unneeded clutter can be trashed.
Step 7:
Change from round storage containers to more sensible and space-saving square ones. Install two-tiered turntables in cabinets, and [-------4-------] by replacing cookbooks with less bulky, plastic-sleeved recipe pages.
Step 8:
Put everyone's routine on your kitchen or computer calendar, [-------5-------]



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