返回 【妙招大看台】如何减压




Take a scientific approach to soothing your frazzled nerves with these proven methods.

Step 1:
Start exercising. Pick an activity you like, such as swimming, dancing, or riding a bike.
People who perform aerobic exercises for 35 minutes a day three times a week for four months [-------1-------]
Step 2:
Learn to meditate. [-------2-------]
In one study, more than half the people who meditated two and a half hours a week for eight weeks reported a whopping 54% reduction in stress.
Step 3:
Get seven to nine hours of sleep every night. The National Sleep Foundation says that anything less could negatively affect both [-------3-------] leading to anxiety.
Step 4:
Go to bed 30 minutes to an hour before your normal bedtime and do something relaxing like read a book or listen to soft music
Get a professional massage a few times a month. It’s pricey, but people who get regular massages have lower levels of anxiety and fewer headaches.
Step 5:
Reduce your caffeine intake, which can make you jittery all day. Instead of coffee,
Reduce your caffeine intake gradually to avoid withdrawal symptoms like headaches.
Step 6:
Book a vacation. [-------5-------]
Step 7:
Consider whether your stress has a root problem that should be dealt with. Maybe you need to cut back on your activities for a while, or stick up for yourself more, or try therapy to see if there’s something in particular that’s stressing you out.



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